This Month’s Features
Pet of the Week: Bronx & Skittles
We adopted Bronx in December of 2019. We had visited Bideawee’s Manhattan location with the intention of adopting a dog, and happened upon a very timid black kitten who very quickly captured our hearts. And as they say, the rest was history! The minute he came home, he made himself comfortable, and we knew we had made the right choice.
History and Serenity in Perpetuity
One of the most remarkable aspects of Bideawee is the incredibly rich and unique history that we have as a 117-year-old organization. Perhaps there is no better place to witness this history than at our beautiful Wantagh and Westhampton Pet Memorial Parks. More than 65,000 cherished pets have found a final resting place there, and the beautiful and serene grounds are a testament to the love and commitment people have for their four-legged companions.
Focus on FCI: Taming Feral Kittens for Adoption
An independent cat rescuer in the North Philadelphia area attended our Taming Feral Kittens for Adoption webinar in August and immediately put her new knowledge into practice on two timid foster kittens, Shy and Spicy. She has been documenting their progress on her Facebook page, Porch Kitty Manor.
Volunteer Spotlight- Amy Satzinger, Westhampton
Amy Satzinger has been volunteering at Bideawee’s Westhampton location for more than five and a half years. She spends her time socializing both cats and dogs, walking dogs, and helping to facilitate visits from schools and day habilitation programs. She also takes photos and videos of the animals to help promote them, and is a tremendous help to our marketing department.
Pick of the Litter: Mango
Picked by: Deanna Murphy, Adoption Center Manager
Meet Mango, our Pick for October! Mango is a special girl who came to us after being abandoned by her owner as a senior kitty. We can only imagine how hard it was for her to lose her home and the only family she’s known for 12 years; however, her tragic tale hasn’t altered her loving personality one bit. She’s the sweetest girl and even gives kisses! Mango is a wonderful companion and deserves all the cuddles, comfort & affection in the world. Mango is healthy and adorable, and we can’t wait for her to begin the next chapter of her life.

Alum of the month, Cooper. Age: 1.5 years old. Resides in: Midtown East, NYC. Favorite Activity: playing with his friends, exploring the city, visiting Bideawee. Favorite Food: Chicken Jerky treats. Celebrity Spirit Animal: Patrick Mahomes. Least Favorite Phrase: “Drop It!”. Favorite Phrase: “Wanna go outside?”