This Month’s Features
Pet Spotlight: Stanny
Animals have always been a part of my life. They are a source of comfort and joy, even on the darkest days. So, how did I stumble upon Stanny? I grew up with dogs, so when I shared with my family and friends that I was interested in adopting a cat over a year ago, they were surprised to say the least. I visited Puerto Rico in February 2020 – just before the lockdown. I was traveling and exploring on my own and blown away by the number of stray cats hanging out in the cobblestone streets of Old San Juan. They intrigued me. They craved attention. I never forgot their faces.
Love of all Stripes (And Spots!)
June is Pride Month: a time to celebrate the richness of LGBTQIA+ culture and identity. As a proud ally, I find it amazing to notice just how far we’ve come in recognizing that Love Is Love. This year’s theme for NYC pride is “Unapologetically Us” — highlighting a new era where people are accepted as they are — not in spite of who they are. That’s why this month it’s so important to display pride — pride in who we are, and who we love. That goes for the humans we love AND the animals we love.
Focus on Community Initiatives: Community Clinic
Community Clinic
Bideawee has long-valued and honored the human-animal bond—a bond that can be jeopardized in the face of financial crisis. Before the pandemic, there were thousands of pet owners who struggled to make ends meet for themselves, their families, and their pets. Now, the need for access to preventative veterinary care, pet food, and resources is greater than ever before.
To that end, last month, Bideawee’s Community Outreach Program held its first ever Free Pet Vaccination and Food Giveaway event in Brooklyn, providing the veterinary care and food necessary to keep pets healthy and keep them with the people who love them. Residents at the Kingsborough Houses, a NYCHA Complex in Crown Heights, came out in droves to receive free wellness checks and free vaccinations from our Chief of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Shian Simms. Moreover, pet owners were delighted to receive free pet food, courtesy of our friends at Hill’s Pet Nutrition. 30 pets were given wellness exams and vaccinations, and more than 1,000lbs of pet food were distributed to more than 60 pet owners.
And, more exciting still, thanks to a generous grant from our friends at The New York Community Trust, Bideawee will have the opportunity to continue to bring these free clinics to people and pets in need throughout NYC.
The locations and dates of our future clinics are TBD. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, sign up to receive an email about future clinic dates and locations.
Staff Spotlight: Dana Edelson
Content Manager
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost three years that I’ve been with Bideawee as it’s gone by so fast, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!
I started my career at NBC, where I worked as a photographer at Saturday Night Live and Late Night for 17 years. Although I loved the career I had, after all of those years, I was ready for a change and wanted to pursue something I was passionate about. I grew up with animals, and have always volunteered my time with rescue groups, so it was the perfect time to finally take the plunge and pursue a job in this field.
Pick of the Litter: Daisy
by Jordan Zhang, Adoption Associate
I’m pretty sure I speak for the entire Manhattan staff when I say that Daisy holds a special place in our hearts. She was rescued from a less-than-ideal situation where she was destined for a very rough life, but luckily, she found her way to Bideawee and we’re determined to make sure she lives out her life as a happy, healthy, spoiled pet! The great news about Daisy is that she is so smart and so willing to learn. She’s come so far even in the shelter, and has shown herself to be a total snuggle bug, but she was getting very frustrated in the shelter and hated going back in her kennel. She wants to be next to you, on your lap, snuggling beside you.. all the comforts she would be afforded if she was in a loving home. She’s now in a temporary foster home and doing so well but we can’t wait for her adoption day. We all love Daisy very much and know how well she responds to training so we are insisting that her adopter sign up for one of our Dog Training programs. These are online, incredibly cost-effective and will be super helpful in ensuring a successful adoption. Visit our Manhattan Adoption Center to meet our sweet Daisy in person and get ready to tell everyone about the time YOU transformed a dog’s life!

Alum of Month: Ryker. Age: 2 years old. Resides in: Upper East Side, Manhattan, NYC. Favorite activity: Searching for squirrels and taking long walks along the East River. Favorite food: Bananas and whipped cream. Celebrity spirit animal: Dodger from Disney’s Oliver and Company - Just taking the streets of NYC. Least favorite phrase: “Leave it!”. Favorite phrase: “Who’s that?!” And “Do you want to go outside?!”