This Month’s Features
Pet of the Week: Sydney
I first began thinking seriously about adopting a kitten about three weeks before things got really crazy during the COVID outbreak. I bought a cat carrier and was all ready to go, thinking it would be a fairly quick process. But as things got more and more serious, I realized that in order to protect their staff, most New York City shelters had changed the way they handled adoptions. I was having a tremendously difficult time getting an appointment to meet a kitten at any shelter. After several weeks of struggling, someone from Bideawee’s Manhattan Adoption Center reached out to me and scheduled an appointment for me to come in and meet Sydney!
112 Days
It’s been 112 days since the last time Bideawee was operating “normally”.
Before COVID-19, we were on track to surpass all our goals and were saving almost twice as many animals as we were the year before. Things were looking really good.
And then New York went on Pause – or as I prefer to think of it – PAWS.
Luckily, the Bideawee team was able to adapt quickly to the new “normal” and to the strict procedures and protocols we needed to adopt to continue operating as an essential business.
Benefits of Flea & Tick Preventatives for Pets
Did you know that it takes only a single flea bite to cause an allergic reaction in your pet? Tick and flea preventatives can do more than just eliminate your pet’s itchy fleas and prevent allergic reactions. Flea and tick medications also prevent tapeworms, ticks, and other insects from biting your pet, and prevent fleas from getting inside your home, on your furniture, and in your bedding. Note: It is much easier to prevent a flea infestation than to treat an existing one. Don’t let your furry friend suffer from a flea infestation and don’t let fleas get into your home.
Consider the following benefits of using monthly flea preventatives:
Reduce skin allergies, infections and hot spots
Many pets are allergic to flea saliva, which can trigger allergies, itching, and scratching. Persistent scratching can result in hot spots and other skin infections. Administering a flea preventative can significantly reduce your pet’s risk of developing skin infections.
Prevent tapeworms
Using a flea preventative can help reduce your pet’s risk of tapeworms, which are often carried and transmitted by fleas.
Prevent tick-borne diseases
By using a preventative that kills ticks, you can help to reduce your pet’s risk of Lyme disease, Tick Paralysis, Tularemia, Canine Nephrolithiasis, Babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Prevent flea infestations in your home
The reality is, nobody wants fleas in their home! It’s unhealthy living with fleas, not to mention the tedious cleaning, vacuuming, and fogging to get rid of them. Using a flea preventative can reduce the likelihood of fleas not only on your pet, but also in your home.
Talk to your vet
Like all medications, talk to your vet when choosing the best flea and tick preventative for your pet. Not only can your vet answer any questions or concerns you have, but they can also help you determine the best flea and tick preventative for your pet’s lifestyle.
Self-Guided Walking Tours Begin at Bideawee’s Historic Park
Beginning on Sunday, June 28th, and running through the fall, Bideawee will be offering self-guided walking tours of our Pet Memorial Park in Wantagh on Long Island. Visitors are welcome to pick up a map and brochure outside the Pet Memorial Park office and tour the park Sundays-Saturdays from 8:30am – 5:00pm.
Walkers will explore the grave sites of many beloved and notable pets who have been laid to rest at Bideawee, including Sarge, a Belgian Shepherd and army hero of the WWII Canine Corps; Checkers, the Cocker Spaniel credited with saving Richard Nixon’s political career in 1952; a giant 125-pound tortoise; a duck; a capuchin monkey; petit horses; and more.
Pick of the Litter: Maple
Picked by: Dana Edelson, Outreach Coordinator
Maple’s story has brought me a lot of joy lately as I’ve heard all about how great she’s been doing. When I first met Maple, she was feeling anything but social. She went to a foster home where she initially spent most of her time hiding, but then discovered that life would be better if she wasn’t so scared. Maple’s foster told us that “she loves playing, getting pets, getting brushed, naps, and food…in that order”.
Maple is such a brave and sweet girl and I can’t wait for her to find her forever home!

Alum of the month, Carlito. Age: 5 ½ - 6 years old. Resides in: West Village, NYC. Favorite Activity: Playing with dogs/ mom in grass and/or butt scratches. Favorite Food: Fatty part of chicken or bully stick. Celebrity Spirit Animal: Carlito from Carlito's Way. Least Favorite Phrase: Bath Time! Favorite Phrase: It’s not a phrase, but his favorite sound is definitely hearing the door to the goodies cupboard open or hearing when I come home.