This Month’s Features
Pet of the Week: Chapuys
My fiance and I had been considering getting a new kitten for years, but always decided against it because we both work full time and never had the time to properly introduce a baby to our current cat. A silver lining of the COVID pandemic is that we are both working from home indefinitely and were finally able to devote some time to making our home (and grown up kitty) kitten friendly. After MONTHS of contacting rescues, we finally reached out to Bideawee and sent through our application for a kitty, which was approved in only a few days.
Happy 2021!
While many of us woke up on January 1st ready to start our “New Year, New Me” resolutions, here at Bideawee we are looking toward the future and looking to be a better version of ourselves in 2021.
While we haven’t resolved to start meditating or exercise more (although those are good resolutions!) we do have our eyes clearly set on a brighter future for pets and the people who love them by learning and growing from lessons past. And this past year, in particular, actually taught us much that we can use to have greater impact on the lives that we help each day.
Focus on FCI: How Can You Help Community Cats this Year?
With more folks at home than ever, Bideawee’s friends and family continue to see and report cats that likely always lived on their block, but only now were being discovered. Are you wondering how you can help the cats on your block this year, but don’t know where to begin? Our next webinar, Community Cats 101 on January 14th, will give you an insider’s tour of the world of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and community cats, discussing common questions like:
• Why are there so many cats living outside?
• What do I do if I find kittens?
• What do I do if I find a sick or injured community cat?
• What does a TNR project look like?
• What is colony care?
• How can I become part of the TNR/rescue community?
Volunteer Spotlight- Amie Bauer, Westhampton
Amie Bauer has been volunteering at Bideawee’s Westhampton location for more than six and a half years. During this time, Amie has grown to be, not just a dedicated volunteer, but a true member of the Bideawee family. Amie never shies away from the needs of the Adoption Center, whatever they may be. Whether it’s taking care of the animals, cleaning, organizing the center, or helping with special events, she can always be counted on.
When asked about her volunteer experience with Bideawee, Amie says that she always feels a strong obligation and sense of purpose when it comes to Bideawee. She too, feels like part of the family.
Thank you, Amie, for everything you do to improve the lives of Westhampton’s animals, and for being a beloved member of the Bideawee family.
Pick of the Litter: Tony
Picked by: Melissa Treuman, Director of Communications
I adored Tony when he arrived at Bideawee as a puppy and was so happy when he found his first home. Sadly, his person passed away and when he was returned, he had become a small horse, who was pretty much afraid of his own shadow. Mostly, he was afraid of the hustle and bustle of New York City, because his previous owner didn’t take him out much. After months of working with Tony and a stint at our Wantagh location, where he discovered just how much fun it can be to explore & play outside, Tony 2.0 looks forward to his walks, and has become a big fan of Prospect Park! He’s been in foster for a few weeks and his foster parents have nothing but great things to say about him. We’re told he’s as sweet as can be (which we already knew), that he is so well-behaved, and that he makes an incredible work from home buddy! We can’t wait to see our Tony Bolgna settled in his forever home!

Name: Lona. Age: 1 year. Resides in: East Village. Favorite Activity: Chasing a feather on a stick. Favorite Food: Anything with fish! Celebrity Spirit Animal: Paddington. Least Favorite Phrase: Get out of the plant! Favorite Phrase: The sound of her toy cabinet opening.