This Month’s Features
Pet of the Week: Annie
Annie (formerly Snowball) is supposedly a dog, though she more closely resembles an impossibly cute combination of possum and pig. I’ve always wanted a dog of my own and had very little idea of what I was looking for; I just knew that I would find my perfect furry match out in the universe. One morning, I saw Annie’s picture online- her giant ears and permanent smile immediately charmed me and I couldn’t imagine a life without this little gremlin. Almost immediately after I applied, Bideawee staff reached out to me and scheduled a meeting. I couldn’t believe that I might come home with a dog just forty-eight hours later. My partner and I drove out to Wantagh and out strutted the smallest, silliest sausage I had ever seen and it was love at first sight. I knew that she was my dog and that I was her person.
Happy Holidays!
Another year in the books and so much to be grateful for. And as always, we couldn’t have done it without your support! Since no holiday video would be complete without our furry family members, some of mine took the opportunity to thank you personally!
Focus on FCI: From Brrrrr to Purrrrr!
Tens of thousands of feral and stray community cats live outdoors in the cold and snow during the harsh New York City and Long Island winters. Giving these cats their own insulated shelters not only offers them a cozy place to hunker down during the frigid, wet weather, but also prevents them from climbing into dangerous car engines or crawl spaces to find a warm, dry place to rest.
Building life-saving winter shelters is a purr-fect holiday project for cat-loving individuals, families, and groups! Learn how you can keep your feline neighbors safe and comfortable this winter by viewing a recording of our recent Building Shelters for Outdoor Cats webinar. We’ll show you the materials, tools, and skills needed to build four different designs for warm, waterproof shelters so you can get started.
Access Passcode: d!M2gCae
Thank you, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year from Bideawee’s Feral Cat Initiative team! We look forward to continuing to support your efforts to help community cats in 2022.
Staff Spotlight – John Espinosa, IT Manager
Hi, I’m john Espinosa, and I have been working in the Technology department at Bideawee for more than 13 years. I began my Bideawee career as an IT Specialist and have spent the last 11 years in the role of IT Manager. It’s been a joy diagnosing tech problems with the assistance of a Bideawee dog or cat by my side, even though they love to distract me from my work by untying my shoelaces! I will never forget my very first technical issue at Bideawee, which involved a four-legged furball chewing through a network cable. I knew right away that I was in for an adorably wild ride!
When I’m not herding pups out of the way of the server room, I like to take tours of the city while jogging with friends and family. I also run in marathons and love the accomplishment that comes after completing an organized race. And when I’m back at home recovering from my run, my little girl, Sushi, comes to my aid with plenty of purring comfort. She is almost 18-years-young and still has spurts of kitten energy. She lost her beloved companion, Leo, 6 years ago but her loss has made her a much more gregarious kitty who is no longer shy about chatting with her human family!
Pick of the Litter: Luke
by Sean Bauer, Adoption Associate, Westhampton
My pick of the litter for December is 7-year-old, Luke. Luke has been at the shelter for more than four years, longer than any other dog. When people ask me why he’s been with us for so long, they are always surprised by what I say. People expect to hear a litany of naughty behaviors but Luke is just a scared boy who has spent too much time at the shelter and takes a minute to trust people. All his behaviors make sense when you think of how long he has spent without a home. Luke LOVES his people but he needs a little time to get to know you and feel safe. He’s also a tripod; he’s not fully missing a leg but he has a deformity that gives the appearance of having only three legs. However, he gets on just fine with his three legs! He’s a master at our Westhampton agility course, loves to play at the dog park, and has spent many afternoons enjoying beach excursions with his favorite staff members and volunteers. He’s a happy boy who wants to be a beloved pet; he just needs some guidance and a patient, big-hearted adopter who is willing to help him get there. Luke would do best in an adult-only home where he can be the only pet. Luke deserves a holiday miracle this year and we’re all hoping that a special adopter will come forward and give him one!

Name: Charlie Moon Ray Rice. Age: Almost 7. Resides in: Bushwick, Brooklyn. Favorite Activity: Sleeping on a fuzzy blanket on my lap. Favorite Food: Purebites Freeze-dried treats. Celebrity Spirit Animal: This is a tough one! The first person that came to mind was Tony Soprano—an imaginary person, I know, but he’s a tough-guy-but-secret-mush that I love, so I’m sticking with it. Least Favorite Phrase: “Bubba, we have to go to the vet.” Favorite Phrase: : “Charweeeeeees!! It’s time for breakfast!!”